Saturday, December 25, 2010

Secondary-level literacy coaching

Gross, P. (2010). Not another trend: Secondary-level literacy coaching. The Clearing House, 83, pp. 133-137. doi:10.1080/00098651003774844

​In this article Gross examines the attitudes of content-area teachers over the period of two years. These teachers are engaging in a voluntary literacy program designed to better their instruction through literacy strategies. She used one-on-one semi-structured interviews to ascertain the interests, backgrounds, teaching philosophy and reason for joining the initiative. Participants in the initiative found the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues from different places and the learning of strategies beneficial, even though some ad never seen them before.

​This article is beneficial in situating me as literacy coach of in-service teachers. While it doesn’t currently relate to my research, it does relate to the climate in my school district surrounding literacy instruction in the content areas. This article can be useful in a literature review in a study on secondary content area teachers and their resistance/acceptance of compulsory literacy strategy instruction.

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