Saturday, December 25, 2010

R5:The sustained silent reading makeover that transformed readers

Kelley, M. & Clausen-Grace, N. (2006, October). R5:The sustained silent reading makeover that transformed readers. The Reading Teacher, (60)2, pp. 148-156. doi:10.1598/RT.60.2.5

​This article was written in response to disengaged readers during Sustained Silent Reading (SSR). Initially the teacher was concerned because research shows that there is a connection between time spent reading and reading achievement, so disengaged learners aren’t building fluency. They cite Nancy Atwell as a major player in their creation of the R5 strategy for SSR. R5 builds in a social aspect to SSR, and requires students to fill out a log sheet detailing the reading strategies they’re self-monitoring during their reading.

​I like that the social aspect is built into SSR, however I have concerns about the idea of the reading log. Because the researchers designed the log in such a way that readers are almost forced into becoming metacognative, I wonder how much readers pay attention to the reading strategies they’re using when they’re not in that particular class or once they have moved up a grade level.

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