Saturday, December 25, 2010

Literacy coaching

Cassidy, J., Garrett, S. D., Maxfield, P., & Patchett, C. (2009). Literacy coaching: Yesterday, today and tomorrow. CEDER Yearbook, pp. 15-27.

Cassidy, Garrett, Maxfield and Pratchett outline the history of the literacy coach, from the 1930s to the present. Literacy coaches have been called myriad names throughout history. In the 1980s, Joyce and Showers pioneered peer coaching strategies designed to aid teachers in the implementation of new strategies. However few teachers actually implemented the strategies taught in workshops. The goal of peer coaching was to eliminate the hierarchal ideas behind the idea of “coach,” instead creating an equality between participants. The authors also discuss the IRA’s four roles of literacy coaches and how school districts tend to restrict those roles significantly.

This article is important as I try to define myself and role as a literacy coach as well as I try to find the theoretical lens through which I will operate.

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